Leadership for Chairs

Leadership for Community Chairs.

If you’ve recently become a chair of a not-for-profit community board or committee, or you’d like to know they core aspects of the role, or if it’s your role to ensure that your chair knows the 101 of the role, this is the course for you. The course will take you through the roles and responsibilities of the chair, creating a respectful and inclusive space, effective meetings, managing conflict and CEO and board recruitment.

Please note that this is a bite-sized course specifically for Chairs. If you'd like a more in-depth look at the role of being a community director, please check out our Certified Community Director course.

If you have completed Certified Community Director, this information will have been covered in that course.

How long will this course take?
You may like to complete this course in one session which, on average, takes students around 60 minutes.

Learn at your own pace
If you would rather study in smaller blocks of time, you'll have 30 days to complete this course from the date of purchase. During that time, you can log in as often as you'd like and can save progress along the way.

Get certified!
On completion, you will be issued with an electronic certificate by the Institute of Community Directors Australia.

Have a group of learners?
We'll happily provide a discounted price for groups of more than ten. For a quote, please email training@communitydirectors.com.au

What students have said about our Compact Courses

  • "This was a useful quick course to give an overview of what is involved in becoming a member of a board, which is something I am considering."

  • "Thanks for making this course affordable and accessible!"

  • "The interactive infographics were well organised, engaging and informative."
  • Leadership for community chairs
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever