Climate Change

Climate Change Resilience

Throughout this module, your responses will be collected and amalgamated to provide you with a draft climate change adaptation plan.

We'll cover:
- What environmental challenges do we face? ​
- How are community directors and governments responding?​
- Implementing a circular economy​
- How can we cut emissions?​
- What changes can we consider making to our policies and procedures?​
- How can we improve management of materials and resources?​
- How can we minimise waste and pollution?​
- Selecting preferred suppliers and negotiating contracts​
- Creating a culture of change​
- Resources​

How long will this course take?
You may like to complete this course in one session which, on average, takes students around 60 minutes.

Learn at your own pace
If you would rather study in smaller blocks of time, you'll have 30 days to complete this course from the date of purchase. During that time, you can log in as often as you'd like and can save progress along the way.

Get certified!
On completion, you will be issued with an electronic certificate by the Institute of Community Directors Australia.
  • Climate Change Resilience
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever